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Where KIMORU Sits

DRC Ministry of Health & Ministry of Higher Education

University of Kinshasa School of Medicine

Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH) Director: Prof. D. Mashinda

          • Technical & Administrative support in the country, Scientific advisory & Research support
          • Maluku District Hospital, Kinshasa

University of Oxford Nuffield Dep’t of Medicine

Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) Director: Prof. Nick Day

      • Funding & Scientific advisory & Research support
      • Maluku District Hospital, Kinshasa

Kimoru Team

Director University of Oxford: Dr Caterina Fanello

Clinical Director: Dr Marie Onyamboko Akatshi

Study Physicians

Dr Daddy Kayembe Kalala

Dr Pauline Ndjowo Otokonda

Dr Andre Kapuku Pasamutu

Dr Sarah Bakomba Benie

Dr Bejos Nzambiwishi Kifakiou


Marcelline Sakina Mungengele

Odile Muniaka Kusu

Prosper Bitumba Biakula

Elyse Biyela Kembo

Jacqueline Omari Abonve

Antoinette Boyanga Izani

Crispin Fela Kuba

Laboratory Technicians

Georgette Simi Bongo

Benjamin Badjanga Basara

Dosithe Musima Mangay

Jean-Robert Maindombe Moke

Jephte Ndundu Ngavuka

Ward Assistants

Pelagie Makengo Disonama

Justin Manuana Tapoy

Alphonsine Fioti Mangusu

Nicholas Bikoko Muniama

Administrative & Technical Support

Nelly Kediamosiko Lusivika

Héritier Kimonekene



KIMORU is an independent MORU Study Site located within the main compound of the Maluku District Hospital, Kinshasa.