Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- FIEBRE study kicks off; aims to reveal leading causes of fever and tackle AMR
- Using management thinking to fight the superbug crisis
- Small children and pregnant women may be underdosed with widely used antimalarial drug
- Rose McGready awarded Alumni Award for Service to Humanity
- Professor Rose McGready recognised by the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
- Safety doubts unwarranted, important anti-malarial drug DHA-PPQ is safe to use
- Tackling poor quality medicines
- Medicine Quality & Public Health Conference
- New age-based regimen for single low-dose primaquine to block malaria transmission
- Malaria’s ticking time bomb
- Congratulations to new Associate Professors
- Tackling drug resistance on Asian farms with maps and a dictionary
- The frontline fight against deadly malaria parasites threatening a new global emergency
- UK to fund MORU study to develop two new, safe malaria treatments
- UK government announces further support in the fight against malaria
- This disease kills half the people it infects. So why isn’t more being done?
- The town that breeds resistance to Malaria drugs
- Village Drama Against Malaria in Cambodia
- Paracetamol protects kidney in severe malaria patients
- Meet Puta-O, MOCRU’s most remote clinic
- Labels showing antibiotics used to produce food a must to fight drug-resistant superbugs Labels showing antibiotics used to produce food a must to fight drug-resistant superbugs
- Pint of Science 2018
- Researchers attack Mekong malaria superbug on multiple fronts
- Oxford-Mahidol collaboration shortlisted for Newton Prize
- Professor Nick White elected to the National Academy of Medicine
- Using Mahidol's B. pseudomallei test to confirm melioidosis in the lab
- Oxford and the mosquito
- Myanmar B. pseudomallei study kicks off
- Superbug’s spread to Vietnam threatens malaria control
- Direk Limmathurotsakul earns RSTMH Emerging Leaders Award
- Congratulations to Tropical Medicine researchers
- Hats on at latest BKKSci Café
- Video: Mosquito wars
- Improved home designs may fight malaria in Africa
- Pioneering Medicine Quality & Public Health Conference coming to Oxford
- Quick test can predict anaemia in malaria patients treated with artemisinins
- Microbiology laboratory reopened after renovations
- Mahidol begins Asia’s first study of RTS,S malaria vaccine
- First-trimester artemisinin derivatives and quinine treatments and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Africa and Asia
- Investiture of Professor Sir Nicholas White
- Students at MORU
- MORU TME brings water pumps to Laos villages
- Facebook live: Village Drama Against Malaria performance in Cambodia
- Pint of Science Thailand
- Mahidol University honours Sir Nick White
- Math models used to predict most effective new RSV vaccine
- Global malaria control threatened by multidrug resistant strain
- Pharmacometric model enables revised dose regimen so all malaria patients can safely be treated with DP
- Professor Nick White recognised in the New Year's Honours list
- Investment is key to tackling the ongoing threat of fake medicines
- Fishy Clouds opens!
- Birth attendant training course may be global model for safer birth care in poor communities
- Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections increasing in Thailand and likely elsewhere in Asia
- Café Scientifique holds first Vientiane session
- Loads of awards in latest Oxford distinction applications!
- Using drama to fight malaria in rural Cambodia
- Growing failure of anti malaria drug treatment linked to parasite mutations
- Drug resistance triggers war to wipe out malaria in the Mekong region
- Drug resistance threatens Asia's health and economy
- TRACII anti-malarial drug resistance study begins to recruit patients
- Not treating pregnant women with malaria 'not an option'
- Artemisinins should replace quinine for first-trimester malaria treatment, says new study
- Millions at risk of little known deadly tropical disease
- Légion d’Honneur to François Nosten
- New Wellcome partnerships to translate research into treatments
- Getting rid of malaria possible, if we try something new, say experts
- Myanmar researchers awarded research grants
- Oxford ranked world's best University for the third year running
- Overcoming the challenges of rural surveys in developing countries
- Study details high hidden economic costs of antibiotic consumption
- Global health by the pint
- Provide basic health services in remote villages to eliminate malaria
- Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health nominated for MRS prize
- Sparking collaborations and discussions on substandard and falsified medicines at MQPH 2018
- Positive results in fight against malaria in remote parts of Myanmar
- Reviewing the Cardiovascular Safety Profile of Antimalarial Drugs
- The fight against malaria has reached a standstill
- Oxford retains top spot for medicine for eighth consecutive year
- Fake drugs: the global industry putting your life at risk
- The Oxford Statement - lets demand medicines we can trust
- Art exhibition on Fake Medicine, the disease of greed
- After MQPH 2018, new collaborations to fight substandard medicines
- Experts to seek consensus on tackling poor quality medicines
- Medicine Quality and Public Health, a pioneering conference to address the global threat of poor quality medicines
Research Highlights
- Comparing HemoCue® and Quantitative Buffy Coat® and Coulter Counter-measured haemoglobin concentrations in African children with acute uncomplicated malaria: a Bland–Altman analysis
- Tracing epistemic injustice in global antimicrobial resistance research
- Submicroscopic malaria in pregnancy and associated adverse pregnancy events: A case-cohort study of 4,352 women on the Thailand–Myanmar border
- Antibiotic duration for common bacterial infections - a systematic review
- Cost-effectiveness of a short-course antibiotic treatment strategy for the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia: an economic analysis of the REGARD-VAP trial
- Dose-Optimization of a Novel Co-Formulated Triple Combination Antimalarial Therapy: Artemether-Lumefantrine-Amodiaquine
- Overcoming research challenges in resource-limited settings: perspectives from Thailand
- Community responses to a novel house design: A qualitative study of “Star Homes” in Mtwara, southeastern Tanzania
- Acceptability of improved cook stoves-a scoping review of the literature
- Identification of Southeast Asian Anopheles mosquito species with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry using a cross-correlation approach
- Sustainable antimicrobial resistance surveillance: time for a global funding mechanism
- AmpC β-lactamases detected in Southeast Asian Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Population genomics and transcriptomics of Plasmodium falciparum in Cambodia and Vietnam uncover key components of the artemisinin resistance genetic background
- A hill tribe community advisory board in Northern Thailand: lessons learned one year on
- Community engagement to develop a dialogue-drama on adolescent pregnancy in a marginalised migrant population on the Thailand-Myanmar border: an ethnographic approach to participatory action research
- Prevalence and risk factors of vitamin D deficiency among Afghan primary school children
- Non-invasive detection of bilirubin concentrations during the first week of life in a low-resource setting along the Thailand–Myanmar border
- Artemisinin-resistant malaria
- In-host modeling of dengue virus and non-structural protein 1 and the effects of ivermectin in patients with acute dengue fever
- Prevalence and associated risk factors of stunting, wasting/thinness, and underweight among primary school children in Kandahar City, Afghanistan: a cross-sectional analytical study
- Anti-infectivity efficacy and pharmacokinetics of WHO recommended single low-dose primaquine in children with acute Plasmodium falciparum in Burkina Faso: study protocol
- Frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bloodstream infections in 111 hospitals in Thailand, 2022
- New WHO classification of genetic variants causing G6PD deficiency
- Understanding patient and family experiences of critical care in Bangladesh and India: What are the priority actions to promote person-centred care?
- A randomised trial of malaria vaccine R21/Matrix-M™ with and without antimalarial drugs in Thai adults
- Genetic diversity, determinants, and dissemination of Burkholderia pseudomallei lineages implicated in melioidosis in Northeast Thailand
- Embedding community and public voices in co-created solutions to mitigate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Thailand using the ‘Responsive Dialogues’ public engagement framework
- Estimated global and regional economic burden of genital herpes simplex virus infection among 15–49 year-olds in 2016
- Impact of targeted drug administration and intermittent preventive treatment for forest goers using artesunate–pyronaridine to control malaria outbreaks in Cambodia
- Bioequivalence of a new coated 15 mg primaquine formulation for malaria elimination
- A youth advisory group on health and health research in rural Cambodia
- Rectal artesunate: lives not saved
- Care seeking for childhood illnesses in rural Mtwara, south-east Tanzania: a mixed methods study
- Gender and equity considerations in AMR research: a systematic scoping review
- Comparison of lumefantrine, mefloquine, and piperaquine concentrations between capillary plasma and venous plasma samples in pregnant women with uncomplicated falciparum and vivax malaria
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of a multiplex lateral flow rapid diagnostic test for acute non-malarial febrile illness in rural Cambodia and Bangladesh
- Interventions to address antimicrobial resistance: an ethical analysis of key tensions and how they apply in low- income and middle-income countries
- Vulnerability and agency in research participants’ daily lives and the research encounter: A qualitative case study of participants taking part in scrub typhus research in northern Thailand
- Individualised, short-course antibiotic treatment versus usual long-course treatment for ventilator-associated pneumonia (REGARD-VAP): a multicentre, individually randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial
- Early warning systems for malaria outbreaks in Thailand: an anomaly detection approach
- Expanding the roles of community health workers to sustain programmes during malaria elimination: a meeting report on operational research in Southeast Asia
- Ethical and cultural implications for conducting verbal autopsies in South and Southeast Asia: a qualitative study
- Comparing the roles of community health workers for malaria control and elimination in Cambodia and Tanzania
- Accuracy of the direct agglutination test for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- A systematic review of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Myanmar
- A Prognostic Model for Critically Ill Children in Locations With Emerging Critical Care Capacity
- Use of antimicrobials during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study among stakeholders in Nepal
- The uncertain role of substandard and falsified medicines in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance
- A Clinically Oriented antimicrobial Resistance surveillance Network (ACORN): pilot implementation in three countries in Southeast Asia, 2019-2020
- Leadership in global health
- Vaccine mandates and public trust do not have to be antagonistic
- Pharmacokinetics of single low dose primaquine in Ugandan and Congolese children with falciparum malaria
- Improving neonatal health in rural Africa: how much do we know about neonatal jaundice?
- Expanding the role of village malaria workers in Cambodia: Implementation and evaluation of four health education packages
- Sharing results with participants (and community) in malaria related research: Perspectives and experience from researchers
- An artesunate pharmacometric model to explain therapeutic responses in falciparum malaria
- Point-of-care prognostication in moderate Covid-19: Analytical validation and prognostic accuracy of a soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) rapid test
- Longitudinal comparison of bacterial pathogen seropositivity among wet market vendors in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
- A rapid review of community engagement and informed consent processes for adaptive platform trials and alternative design trials for public health emergencies
- Severe falciparum malaria in pregnancy in Southeast Asia: a multi-centre retrospective cohort study
- Fever and health-seeking behaviour among migrants living along the Thai-Myanmar border: a mixed-methods study
- Defining the role of host biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognosis of the severity of childhood pneumonia: a prospective cohort study
- Studying the health benefits of improved housing in rural Tanzania: challenges and progress
- Experiences, coping strategies and perspectives of people in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The feasibility of novel point-of-care diagnostics for febrile illnesses at health centres in Southeast Asia: a mixed-methods study
- Dengue in Myanmar: Spatiotemporal epidemiology, association with climate and short-term prediction
- Pneumococcal colonisation and pneumonia severity in hospitalised Cambodian children following introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
- Culturally responsive research ethics: How the socio-ethical norms of Arr-nar/Kreng-jai inform research participation at the Thai-Myanmar border
- Born too soon in a resource-limited setting: A 10-year mixed methods review of a special care baby unit for refugees and migrants on the Myanmar-Thailand border
- Raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance: development of an ‘antibiotic footprint calculator’
- Determinants of Implementation of a Critical Care Registry in Asia: Lessons From a Qualitative Study
- Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Measurement Using Biosensors by Community-Based Village Malaria Workers and Hospital Laboratory Staff in Cambodia: A Quantitative Study
- Vulnerability and agency in research participants’ daily lives and the research encounter: A qualitative case study of participants taking part in scrub typhus research in northern Thailand
- Louis Pasteur, COVID-19, and the social challenges of epidemics
- The wrongful indictment of pre-referral rectal artesunate further delays the roll-out of this lifesaving drug
- Technical evaluation and usability of a quantitative G6PD POC test in cord blood: a mixed-methods study in a low-resource setting
- Village malaria workers for the community-based management of vivax malaria
- Malaria outbreak in Laos driven by a selective sweep for Plasmodium falciparum kelch13 R539T mutants: a genetic epidemiology analysis
- Orientia tsutsugamushi in Chiggers and Small Mammals in Laos
- Pregnancy outcomes after first-trimester treatment with artemisinin derivatives versus non-artemisinin antimalarials: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis
- Ownership of individual-level health data, data sharing, and data governance
- Cardiovascular Concentration-Effect Relationships of Amodiaquine and its Metabolite Desethylamodiaquine: Clinical and Pre-clinical Studies
- Trust is the common denominator for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: A literature review
- Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) quantitation using biosensors at the point of first contact: a mixed method study in Cambodia
- Barriers to Quality Perioperative Care Delivery in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Qualitative Rapid Appraisal Study
- Ethical considerations in deploying triple artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria: An analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives in Burkina Faso and Nigeria
- Outdoor residual spraying for malaria vector-control in Kayin (Karen) state, Myanmar: A cluster randomized controlled trial
- The quality of veterinary medicines and their implications for One Health
- A family cluster of cutaneous Leishmania major infection unresponsive to intralesional meglumine antimonial: Case reports
- Perioperative Care Pathways in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
- Improving the diagnosis of severe malaria in African children using platelet counts and plasma PfHRP2 concentrations
- Decentralised hepatitis C testing and treatment in rural Cambodia: evaluation of a simplified service model integrated in an existing public health system
- “Like a wake-up call for humankind”: Views, challenges, and coping strategies related to public health measures during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Thailand
- Impact of delayed processing of positive blood cultures on organism detection: a prospective multi-centre study
- High burden of childhood tuberculosis in migrants: a retrospective cohort study from the Thailand–Myanmar border
- Contribution of genetic factors to high rates of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia on the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Childhood encephalitis in the Greater Mekong region (the SouthEast Asia Encephalitis Project): a multicentre prospective study
- Under the Mask: A Film on Tuberculosis at the Thai-Myanmar Border
- Should peer reviewers be paid to review academic papers?
- Facilitating safe discharge through predicting disease progression in moderate COVID-19: a prospective cohort study to develop and validate a clinical prediction model in resource-limited settings
- Triple therapy with artemether–lumefantrine plus amodiaquine versus artemether–lumefantrine alone for artemisinin-resistant, uncomplicated falciparum malaria: an open-label, randomised, multicentre trial
- History and evolution of tuberculosis and global health
- The proxy dilemma: Informed consent in paediatric clinical research - a case study of Thailand
- Anopheles salivary antigens as serological biomarkers of vector exposure and malaria transmission: A systematic review with multilevel modelling
- Community engagement for malaria elimination in the Greater Mekong Sub‑region: a qualitative study among malaria researchers and policymakers
- Utility of InTray COLOREX Screen agar and InTray COLOREX ESBL agar for urine culture in the Lao PDR
- The impact of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions on the lived experiences of people living in Thailand, Malaysia, Italy and the United Kingdom: A cross-country qualitative study
- Transforming Nepal’s primary health care delivery system in global health era: addressing historical and current implementation challenges
- Mapping genetic markers of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Asia: a systematic review and spatiotemporal analysis
- A case–control study of the causes of acute respiratory infection among hospitalized patients in Northeastern Laos
- Clinical impact of vivax malaria: A collection review
- Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management, and outcomes in invasively ventilated intensive care unit patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Global antibiotic consumption and usage in humans, 2000–18: a spatial modelling study
- Antimicrobial resistance detection in Southeast Asian hospitals is critically important from both patient and societal perspectives, but what is its cost?
- Co-evolutionary signals identify Burkholderia pseudomallei survival strategies in a hostile environment
- Orientia tsutsugamushi dynamics in vectors and hosts: ecology and risk factors for foci of scrub typhus transmission in northern Thailand
- A descriptive study of Forcefully Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) presenting for care at public health sector hospitals in Bangladesh
- The cardiovascular effects of amodiaquine and structurally related antimalarials: An individual patient data meta-analysis
- Saving babies’ lives (SBL) – a programme to reduce neonatal mortality in rural Cambodia: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial
- Development of weight and age-based dosing of daily primaquine for radical cure of vivax malaria
- Clustering of malaria in households in the Greater Mekong Subregion: operational implications for reactive case detection
- Dynamics of G6PD activity in patients receiving weekly primaquine for therapy of Plasmodium vivax malaria
- A spatio-temporal analysis of scrub typhus and murine typhus in Laos; implications from changing landscapes and climate
- Suicidal ideation in the perinatal period: findings from the Thailand–Myanmar border
- Preprints in times of COVID19: the time is ripe for agreeing on terminology and good practices
- Grandparent caregiving in Cambodian skip-generation households: Roles and impact on child nutrition
- Identifying prognostic factors of severe metabolic acidosis and uraemia in African children with severe falciparum malaria
- Mass drug administration for the acceleration of malaria elimination in a region of Myanmar with artemisinin-resistant falciparum malaria
- Surveillance strategies using routine microbiology for antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries
- Case Report: Children with Severe Nutritional Rickets in the Naga Region in Northwest Myanmar, on the border with India
- A randomized controlled trial of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, artesunate-mefloquine and extended artemether-lumefantrine treatments for malaria in pregnancy on the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Arterolane–piperaquine–mefloquine versus arterolane–piperaquine and artemether–lumefantrine in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Kenyan children
- Global economic costs due to vivax malaria and the potential impact of its radical cure: A modelling study
- Geographical distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil in Myanmar
- Why do people purchase antibiotics over-the-counter? A qualitative study with patients, clinicians and dispensers in central, eastern and western Nepal
- Falciparum but not vivax malaria increases the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in women followed prospectively from the first trimester
- Ambulatory induction phase treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in HIV integrated primary care clinics, Yangon, Myanmar
- Laboratory informatics capacity for effective antimicrobial resistance surveillance in resource-limited settings
- Assessing the impacts of short-course multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in the Southeast Asia Region using a mathematical modeling approach
- Perinatal depression in migrant and refugee women on the Thai–Myanmar border: does social support matter?
- Prediction of disease severity in young children presenting with acute febrile illness in resource-limited settings: a protocol for a prospective observational study
- Rolling out the radical cure for vivax malaria in Asia: a qualitative study among policy makers and stakeholders
- Burden of soil-transmitted helminth infection in pregnant refugees and migrants on the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Deploying triple artemisinin-based combination therapy (TACT) for malaria treatment in Africa: ethical and practical considerations
- Predictors of disease severity in children presenting from the community with febrile illnesses: a systematic review of prognostic studies
- G6PD Variants and Haemolytic Sensitivity to Primaquine and Other Drugs
- Improving treatment and outcomes for melioidosis in children, northern Cambodia, 2009–2018
- What is the yield of malaria reactive case detection in the Greater Mekong Sub-region?
- Outcomes for 298 breastfed neonates whose mothers received ketamine and diazepam for postpartum tubal ligation in a resource-limited setting
- Vaginal Microbiota and Cytokine Levels Predict Preterm Delivery in Asian Women
- Short maternal stature and gestational weight gain among refugee and migrant women birthing appropriate for gestational age term newborns
- Protective effect of Mediterranean-type glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency against Plasmodium vivax malaria
- Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in pregnancy for prevention of mother to child transmission of hepatitis B in a rural setting on the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Effectiveness of a sepsis programme in a resource-limited setting
- Human, animal, water source interactions and leptospirosis in Thailand
- Serological evidence indicates widespread distribution of rickettsioses in Myanmar
- Old age is associated with decreased wealth in rural villages in Mtwara, Tanzania
- Prevalence of MDR organism (MDRO) carriage in children and their household members in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia
- Crowding has consequences: Prevention and management of COVID-19 in informal urban settlements
- Impact of low blood culture usage on rates of antimicrobial resistance
- MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for sub-typing of Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Research ethics in context: understanding the vulnerabilities, agency and resourcefulness of research participants living along the Thai–Myanmar border
- TB outcomes and mortality risk factors in adult migrants at the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Malaria Screener: a smartphone application for automated malaria screening
- Antimicrobial use in food animals and human health: time to implement ‘One Health’ approach
- Transmission of artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites to mosquitoes under antimalarial drug pressure
- Impact of outdoor residual spraying on the biting rate of malaria vectors in Myanmar
- How many human pathogens are there in Laos? An estimate of national human pathogen diversity and analysis of historical trends
- The efficacy of PPE for COVID-19-type respiratory illnesses in primary and community care staff
- Implementing parasite genotyping into national surveillance frameworks
- Tenofovir for prevention of mother to child transmission of hepatitis B in migrant women in a resource-limited setting on the Thailand-Myanmar border: a commentary on challenges of implementation
- Case-control study of use of personal protective measures and risk for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, Thailand
- Estimating the proportion of Plasmodium vivax recurrences caused by relapse
- Febrile Illness Evaluation in a Broad Range of Endemicities (FIEBRE): protocol for a multisite prospective observational study of the causes of fever in Africa and Asia
- G6PD deficiency in malaria endemic areas of Nepal
- No evidence that chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine induce hemolysis in G6PD deficiency
- Integration of HIV services with primary care in Yangon, Myanmar
- Burkholderia pseudomallei multi-centre study to establish EUCAST MIC and zone diameter distributions and epidemiological cut-off (ECOFF) values
- Molecular epidemiology of resistance to antimalarial drugs in the Greater Mekong subregion
- Evaluation of the forum theatre approach for public engagement around antibiotic use in Myanmar
- Screening of ectoparasites from domesticated dogs for bacterial pathogens in Vientiane, Lao PDR
- Respiratory support in COVID-19 patients, with a focus on resource-limited settings
- Non-adherence in non-inferiority trials: pitfalls and recommendations
- Quantifying antibiotic impact on within-patient dynamics of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase resistance
- Pregnancy outcomes and risk of placental malaria after artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy
- Quantification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity by spectrophotometry
- Causes of fever in primary care in Southeast Asia and the performance of C-reactive protein in discriminating bacterial from viral pathogens
- Barriers and facilitators to healthcare workers’ adherence with infection prevention and control guidelines for respiratory infectious diseases
- Efficacy and tolerability of artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatments for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy
- Plasmodium falciparum ATP4 inhibitors to treat malaria: worthy successors to artemisinin?
- The estimated burden of scrub typhus in Thailand from national surveillance data (2003-2018)
- Longevity of the insecticidal effect of three pyrethroid formulations applied to outdoor vegetation on a laboratory-adapted colony of the Southeast Asian malaria vector Anopheles dirus
- COVID-19 and risks to the supply and quality of tests, drugs, and vaccines
- Parenting interventions to prevent violence against children in low- and middle-income countries in East and Southeast Asia
- Mapping the travel patterns of people with malaria in Bangladesh
- Estimation of incidence of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- Factors affecting the electrocardiographic QT interval in malaria
- Prevalence of group A Streptococcus in primary care patients and the utility of C-reactive protein and clinical scores for its identification in Thailand
- Performance of the Access Bio/CareStart rapid diagnostic test for the detection of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- Transmission dynamics and control of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in neonates in a developing country
- Economic considerations support C-reactive protein testing alongside malaria rapid diagnostic tests to guide antimicrobial therapy for patients with febrile illness in settings with low malaria endemicity
- Sensitivity of C‐reactive protein for the identification of bacterial infections in northern Tanzania
- Feeding practices and risk factors for chronic infant undernutrition among refugees and migrants along the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Forest work and its implications for malaria elimination
- Genetic variation associated with infection and the environment in the accidental pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei
- Microbiology Investigation Criteria for Reporting Objectively (MICRO): a framework for the reporting and interpretation of clinical microbiology data
- Early life risk factors of motor, cognitive and language development
- Scrub typhus and the misconception of doxycycline resistance
- Short-course primaquine for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria
- Determinants of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine treatment failure in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam
- Quality of medical products for diabetes management
- Investigating causal pathways in severe falciparum malaria
- Improving the estimation of the global burden of antimicrobial resistant infections
- Spatiotemporal epidemiology, environmental correlates, and demography of malaria in Tak Province, Thailand (2012–2015)
- A population dynamic model to project the burden of undiagnosed diabetes in Thailand
- Nutrition in transition: historical cohort analysis among pregnant women along the Thailand–Myanmar border 1986 - 2016
- Antimicrobial resistance in Cambodia
- “I can’t read and don’t understand”: Health literacy and messaging in a migrant population on the Myanmar-Thailand border
- Optimal duration of follow-up antimalarial efficacy in pregnancy on the Thailand–Myanmar border
- ‘Antibiotic footprint’ as a communication tool to aid reduction of antibiotic consumption
- Novel approaches to control malaria in forested areas of Southeast Asia
- Malaria morbidity and mortality following introduction of a universal policy of artemisinin-based treatment for malaria in Papua, Indonesia
- Antimicrobial-resistant Gram-negative colonization in infants from a neonatal intensive care unit in Thailand
- Spatial heterogeneity and temporal trends in malaria on the Thai–Myanmar border (2012–2017)
- Microbiology Investigation Criteria for Reporting Objectively (MICRO): a framework for the reporting and interpretation of clinical microbiology data
- Clinical characteristics and outcome of children hospitalized with scrub typhus in an area of endemicity
- Human population movement and behavioural patterns in malaria hotspots on the Thai–Myanmar border: implications for malaria elimination
- Community engagement, social context and coverage of mass anti-malarial administration
- The rise and fall of long-latency Plasmodium vivax
- How context can impact clinical trials
- The impact of targeted malaria elimination with mass drug administrations on falciparum malaria in Southeast Asia
- How can interventions that target forest-goers be tailored to accelerate malaria elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion?
- Collider bias and the apparent protective effect of G6PD deficiency on cerebral malaria
- Optimal dosing of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for seasonal malaria chemoprevention in young children
- Tafenoquine versus Primaquine to Prevent Relapse of Plasmodium vivax Malaria
- Molecular characterization and mapping of G6PD mutations in the Greater Mekong Subregion
- Association of mutations in P. falciparum Kelch13 gene with parasite clearance rates after artemisinin-based treatments
- Optimizing respiratory management in resource-limited settings
- Effect of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing on antibiotic prescription in febrile patients attending primary care in Thailand and Myanmar
- The double burden of diabetes and global infection in low and middle-income countries
- Challenges arising when seeking broad consent for health research data sharing
- Complex interactions between malaria and malnutrition
- The arrhythmogenic cardiotoxicity of the quinoline and structurally related antimalarial drugs
- Anaemia and malaria
- Field detection devices for screening the quality of medicines
- Valuing the unpaid contribution of community health volunteers to mass drug administration programs
- Enumerating the economic cost of antimicrobial resistance per antibiotic consumed to inform the evaluation of interventions affecting their use
- Important antimalarial drug DHA-piperaquine safe to use
- Addressing challenges faced by insecticide spraying for the control of dengue fever
- Risk-based reboot for global lab biosafety
- Comparison of the Cumulative Efficacy and Safety of Chloroquine, Artesunate, and Chloroquine-Primaquine in Plasmodium vivax Malaria
- Small children and pregnant women may be underdosed with widely used antimalarial drug
- Scrub typhus point-of-care testing
- The ethics of using placebo in randomised controlled trials
- Primaquine pharmacokinetics in lactating women and breastfed infant exposures
- Malaria
- Study analyses antimicrobial resistance surveillance networks in LMICs
- Acetaminophen as a renoprotective adjunctive treatment for patients with malaria
- Mass drug administration to stop multi drug resistant malaria in Cambodia
- Promising approach to reducing Malaria transmission by ivermectin
- Single low-dose primaquine for blocking transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
- Community participation in mass anti-malarial administrations in Cambodia
- Ethics, regulation, and beyond: the landscape of research with pregnant women
- Estimating the burden of scrub typhus Estimating the burden of scrub typhus
- Quantification of the association between malaria in pregnancy and stillbirth
- Infection with Burkholderia pseudomallei – immune correlates of survival in acute melioidosis
- Community engagement for the rapid elimination of malaria
- Geographic resource allocation based on cost effectiveness
- Influence of number and timing of malaria episodes during pregnancy on prematurity and birthweight
- Migration histories of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients from the Thailand-Myanmar border, 2012–2014
- First-trimester artemisinin derivatives and quinine treatments and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Africa and Asia
- An epidemic of dystonic reactions in central Africa
- Harmonised Zika virus research protocols published
- Birth attendant training course may be global model for safer birth care in poor communities
- Validating a web application’s use of genetic distance to determine helminth species boundaries and aid in identification
- News
- The large footprint of the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health
- Sir David Weatherall, 1933-2018
- Malaria in Cambodia on Sky News
- Fighting malaria in the remote reaches of Cambodia
- How Drug-Resistant Parasites in Asia Could Lead to a Global Comeback for Malaria
- Sara Canavati, Cameron Conway - Social Innovation award finalists
- Poster competition kicks off annual Niklas Lindegårdh student Prize
- TuNDRA study kicks off in Siem Reap
- Rapid tests would improve malaria patients' lives - and be cost-effective
- Asian Sepsis Alliance inaugurated at MORU Bangkok
- New Study Group to determine the effects of pregnancy on piperaquine pharmacokinetics
- Latest WWARN publication identifies 15 new mutant alleles in the Kelch-13 gene
- DeTACT study begins; will develop two new, safe malaria treatments
- WWARN nominated for ‘Oscar of higher education’
- Cheers! Bangkok hosts SEA's 1st Pint of Science Festival
- Laos TME field tests new malaria RDTs
- Guide to sepsis management offers comprehensive, practical advice for resource-limited settings
- SMRU: Preventing neural tube defects with folate supplements
- Katherine Plewes earns Canadian grant for KIMORU based study
- Mass drug administration under way in Myanmar villages
- Pharmacometric research at MORU to expand thanks to Gates Foundation grant
- Professor Joel Tarning awarded the Giorgio Segré Prize for pharmaceutical research
- Mapping Malaria in Myanmar
- How best to test Ebola treatments
- Artemisinin-resistant malaria established across Myanmar, now within 25km of Indian border
- Genetics underpinning antimalarial drug resistance revealed
- Mass drug administration against malaria seen effective
- Tracking resistance results presented at Westminster, UK Houses of Parliament
- Cherry's story: a career launched by first-hand experience and a good mentor
- Eliminating malaria in the Asia-Pacific could save 400,000 lives
- World Malaria Day seminar 2019 - Antimalarial treatments for vulnerable groups
- Applications are now open for our Short Course on Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Fever and Antibiotic use, a theatre initiative in Myanmar by MOCRU
- Join SMRU for Hand Hygiene Day
- Pint of Science Thailand 2019 in Bangkok and Chiang Rai
- Bangkok Premiere of Under the Mask
- BBC News: Big data 'can stop malaria outbreaks before they start'
- Longer follow-up needed for malaria treatment in pregnant women
- Village drama against malaria project wins University Public Engagement with Research Award
- Research to investigate the prevalence and causes of rickets in remote NW Myanmar
- Rapidly spreading multidrug-resistant parasites render frontline malaria drug ineffective in southeast Asia
- Oxford Vice-Chancellor Louise Richardson visits MORU and SMRU
- MORU's new Critical Care Asia Network: 42 ICUs in 9 countries
- Oxford ranked world’s best university for fourth year running
- Antimalarial treatments less effective in severely malnourished children
- Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to NDM Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe
- New research supports co-administration of primaquine with artemisinin-based combination therapies for P. vivax malaria
- Congratulations new TropMed professors
- Artists explore the problems of poor quality and fake medicines
- Call for global action on medicine quality
- Oxford named best for medicine for ninth consecutive year
- Joel Tarning wins Ashford award at ASTMH 2019
- New study shows faster way to cure vivax malaria
- Global study highlights the extent and impact of drug-resistant enteric fever and the urgent need for new approaches
- Art exhibition on substandard and falsified medicines comes to Bangkok
- Women and Girls in Science Day 2020
- Why is WHO failing women with falciparum malaria in the first trimester of pregnancy?
- Triple drug combinations effective against drug-resistant malaria
- COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator awards $20 million in initial grants to fund clinical trials
- BBC World News interviews Nick White on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: “These drugs are not harmless, they’re dangerous in over-dose.”
- Global call for strategic planning for COVID-19 medical products
- COPCOV Covid-19 study prepares to begin participant enrolment
- GroupMappers create real-time COVID-19 Bangladesh dashboard
- PAL forest malaria prophylaxis study begins in Cambodia
- SEBCOV study launched today
- Global clinical trial of 40,000+ healthcare workers begins to test in UK if chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can prevent COVID-19
- COPCOV study paused
- An open letter to Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet regarding Mehra et al
- Clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine/ chloroquine in COVID-19. Statement in response to damaging recent events
- Major medical journals retract Covid-19 studies
- COVID-19 prevention and treatment: a critical analysis of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine clinical pharmacology
- UK regulator gives green light to clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to prevent Covid-19 in healthcare workers
- New Oxford academic titles for MORU colleagues
- Medicine Quality Scientific Literature Surveyor
- Hydroxychloroquine is being discarded prematurely in COVID-19 prevention
- Drug-resistant enteric fever, antibiotics and the need for clean water
- Five years at the top: Oxford retains first place in World University Rankings
- Hydroxychloroquine doses in COVID-19 prevention trials should be safe, study finds. Now let’s find out if they’re effective.
- Microscopy standards to harmonise methods for malaria clinical research studies
- Professor Paul Newton wins the Helen Clark-JoPPP Award
- Large scale systematic review details causes of non-malarial febrile illnesses globally and identifies research priorities
- Parenting for lifelong health for young children, project led by MORU Bioethics & Engagement Amalee McCoy
- MORU students Mo Yin and Myo Maung Maung Swe receive NDM awards
- Oxford Global Research
- Congratulations new NDM professors
- Life at the Thai-Myanmar border through the eyes of a frontline researcher
- Applicability of COVID-19 vaccine trial results to low-and-middle-income countries
- Aga Khan University enrols first COPCOV Pakistan participant
- British Pharmacology Society honours Joel Tarning
- FIEBRE Laos concludes recruitment
- Oxford Tropical Medicine awarded two RSTMH medals
- Clare Ling awarded honorary FRCPath
- New study on the risk of Plasmodium vivax parasitaemia after Plasmodium falciparum malaria
- Susie Dunachie awarded flagship NIHR career development award
- Check-list recommended to improve reporting of microscopy methods and results in malaria studies
- The COVID-19 vaccine: do we know enough to end the pandemic?
- Evidence supports WHO recommendation for primaquine combined with ACTs to block Plasmodium falciparum transmission
- Indonesia’s decision to prioritise COVID-19 vaccination to citizens aged 18-59 years old questionable
- The COPCOV Trial’s position statement on “A living WHO guideline on drugs to prevent COVID-19.”
- Researchers call for access to Ivermectin for young children
- New project’s child-appropriate primaquine doses could have significant impact on global burden of malaria
- New report highlights growing concern of vaccine falsification
- Innovative strategies for engaging communities with malaria research
- Pint of Science Thailand is back
- Arjen Dondorp, Peter Horby and Rose McGready elected Academy of Medical Sciences Fellows
- AMR and scrub typhus among Chiangrai Unit's research priorities
- ASM Editor in conversation with Nick White
- Simple blood tests may help improve malaria diagnosis in clinical studies
- Recruitment surges in COPCOV COVID-19 prevention study
- How did people in Europe and SE Asia experience the first COVID-19 wave?
- COPCOV now world’s largest COVID-19 pre-exposure prophylaxis trial
- Congratulations new Associate Professors
- New study alerts to the risk of poor quality medicines used to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease
- NDM recognizes MORU DPhils students' outstanding research impact
- Lack of evidence is key barrier to using portable devices to detect poor quality medicines
- Rise in COPCOV numbers continues; study to end recruitment 30 Nov
- Large-scale systematic review identifies research gaps in scrub typhus
- GRAM study provides the first longitudinal estimates of global antibiotic consumption in 204 countries from 2000 to 2018
- Overusing antibiotics? Find out with Antibiotic Footprint Calculator
- Paul Newton named ASTMH Distinguished International Fellow
- New! A learning framework about antimicrobial resistance for children and young people
- Antibiotic accountability: how countries and companies perform
- All-nighter: staying up to fight malaria
- Susie, Phaik Yeong, Richard and Paul among new full Oxford professors!
- Global Research on AntiMicrobial resistance (GRAM) project
- Study finds steady increase in WHO-validated artemisinin resistance markers in Asia
- Largest-ever IPD meta-analysis of malaria patients to inform haemoglobin changes
- TACT-CV study shows artemether–lumefantrine plus amodiaquine an effective treatment for multidrug-resistant malaria in GMS
- Under the Mask, drama film based on testimonies of tuberculosis patients
- PRIORITISE study team publishes results, now seeks partners
- Patient recruitment on track in Oxford-led DeTACT trial of safe, effective drug combinations to prevent the spread of artemisinin and multi-drug resistant malaria in Africa
- Laos’ first Pint of Science: warty newts, COVID, AI for Instagram, and more!
- Congratulations Professor Sir David Warrell, appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George
- Enhanced vaccination against Japanese encephalitis virus could reduce encephalitis prevalence by one third in SE Asia
- Field evaluation of EasyScan GO: a digital malaria microscopy device
- Incomplete reporting of COVID-19 disease severity criteria compromises meta-analysis
- Oxford conferences put focus on substandard and falsified antimicrobials and vaccines
- INTERBIO-21st study findings could help predict infants at risk of obesity
- Three new full Oxford Professors from MORU
- Using mathematical modelling to fight malaria
- Call for researchers: Share your country’s national COVID-19 therapeutics guidelines
- Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis for forest goers could help accelerate malaria elimination in Cambodia
- Study shows clear link between antibiotic treatment and acquisition of AMR bacteria in children
- Combating drug-resistant malaria
- Bacterial infections linked to one in eight global deaths, according to GRAM study
- Meta-analysis informed the updated WHO guidelines for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the first trimester of pregnancy
- Constant genetic surveillance necessary to keep multidrug-resistant malaria parasite strains in check, study finds
- SMRU and BHF inaugurate new Admin Building
- Are we getting tafenoquine dosing right?
- Researchers call for antimicrobial resistance surveillance to be improved
- COPCOV investigators meet, and prepare to submit for publication
- Pilot study detects diverse DNA in ingredients of falsified tablets
- Phase II Malaria vaccine trial begins in Thailand
- Ricardo Aguas awarded Associate Professorship
- Study supports evidence ivermectin not effective to treat COVID-19
- New antibiotic combination speeds recovery from severe scrub typhus, which infects 1 million people per year
- Watch our webinar - Radical cure of vivax malaria: can we do better?
- ACORN investigators meet to kick off 2nd year of data collection
- After reviewing progress on improving global medicine quality, participants plan next global conference
- Fight against drug-resistant malaria in critical new phase: “We are in danger of losing our current antimalarial drugs to resistance.”
- Global team of humanities and social science researchers to explore Just Transitions for antimicrobial resistance
- New study highlights the evidence gap on the quality of antiretrovirals globally
- Bob Taylor awarded Oxford Associate Professorship
- Direk made Full Professor at Mahidol
- Researchers identify potential diagnostic markers of Japanese encephalitis, a leading cause of brain infection in Asia
- FORESFA Edinburgh meeting stimulates discussion
- Identifying factors for maternal and foetal mortality from malaria
- New evidence supports higher dose antimalarial to combat relapsing malaria
- Three CTMGH researchers awarded Professorships
- Paxlovid® clears COVID-19 more rapidly than molnupiravir, say Oxford researchers
- Bipin Adhikari awarded RSTMH Emerging Leaders Award
- RSTMH recognises Prof Arjen Dondorp’s contributions to significantly improving health in the tropics
- Estimating hospital-acquired SARS-CoV-2 infections in England
- Just by shining a light into an unopened vial, handheld device can quickly detect falsified COVID-19 vaccines
- Antimicrobial resistance is a silent killer that leads to 5 million deaths a year. Solutions must include the poor
- New MORU-led study to test a single pill to fight drug-resistant malaria in Africa and Asia
- Placing community health workers in remote areas key to eliminating Falciparum malaria in Myanmar and GMS
- Early warning systems for malaria outbreaks in Thailand
- Neglected disease raises new ethical questions: Nipah virus control and research
- High dose oral favipiravir does not accelerate COVID-19 viral clearance, Oxford researchers find
- Anomaly detection improves real-time dengue surveillance in Thailand
- Advancing lab analysis of simulated samples, crucial to developing forensic techniques, is focus of FORESFA Trentino workshop
- Book chapter highlights issues of poor-quality medical products during the global pandemic
- GRAM study reveals rising antimicrobial resistance in enteric fever across 75 countries, affecting millions
- Repurposed tests can detect falsified vaccines, study finds
- New study uses isotope ratio mass spectrometry to analyse origins of falsified antimalarials
- Children with acute malnutrition and malaria: the double burden that increases risk of treatment failure
- New rapid test for melioidosis could diagnose patients in hours, and help save lives across Asia and the tropics
- Rapid diagnostic test offers cost-effective solutions for non-malarial febrile illness
- Geospatial modelling study highlights Indian regions with treatment-resistant malaria parasites
- Interview with Diagnostics in Tropical and Infectious Diseases(DiTi) award recipient Dr Christopher Chew
- Significant global variation in national COVID-19 treatment guidelines
- Experts join forces to improve screening devices to detect substandard and falsified medicines
- Pan made Associate Professor at Oxford
- PLATCOV researchers find dramatic acceleration of SARS CoV2 viral clearance rates since Sept 2021
- MORU researchers awarded OBEs in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours List
- Study details major global impact of herpes infections
- Immediate policy changes urgently needed as drug-resistant malaria spreads in East Africa
- Visit MalariaWorld
- The MORU – OUCRU Discovery Research Academy Announces its First Cohort
- MORU researchers awarded full Oxford professorships
- Scientists develop new method to detect fake vaccines
- Hydroxychloroquine provides moderate COVID-19 prevention, large clinical trial shows
- FORESFA collaborators discuss organised crime groups, AI and public health impact of SF medicines at annual meeting
- New study to support WHO guideline changes
- MODRA Workshop Empowers Early-Career Scientists to Secure Competitive Research Grants
- Lorenz von Seidlein awarded RSTMH medal for outstanding work in tropical health
- Innovative diagnostics, new tools, near-elimination strategies, cross-border collaborations top agenda at malaria elimination joint meeting
- Dr Claire Chewapreecha wins Nature Award for Inspiring Women in Science
- Experts gather to discuss medicine quality research
- The Medicine Quality Research Group invited to present at the World Health Summit, Berlin, 15th October
- MODRA Workshop 2 empowers next generation of researchers
- Dialogue drama on adolescent pregnancy in a marginalised migrant population on the Thailand-Myanmar border
- Study finds methaemoglobin levels could predict malaria recurrence
- Myanmar-Thailand: Healthcare access without barriers
- Identifying fake Covid-19 vaccines by analysing vial labels and vaccine liquids
- Bangladesh malaria mass vaccine and drug administration trial begins
- Innovative forensics to identify origins of falsified medicines presented to UNODC and WHO
- MORU hosts international workshop on safer drug use in obstetric and paediatric medicine through PBPK modelling
- Nicholas White
- Nicholas Day
- Stuart Blacksell
- Thomas Peto
- Phaik Yeong Cheah
- Arjen Dondorp
- Olivo Miotto
- François Nosten
- Joel Tarning
- Claudia Turner
- Paul Turner
- Paul Newton
- Frank Smithuis
- Lorenz Von Seidlein
- Jeanne Salje
- Richard Maude
- Rose McGready
- Yoel Lubell
- Ben Cooper
- Audrey Dubot-Peres
- Tri Wangrangsimakul
- James Watson
- Bob Taylor
- Jahirul Karim
- Sazid Ibna Zaman
- Win Zaw
- Pengby Ngor
- Ipsita Sinha
- Sompob Saralamba
- Ricardo Aguas
- Mo Yin
- Mathupanee Oonsivilai
- Wirichada Pan-ngum
- Kesinee Chotivanich
- Daniel Blessborn
- Mehul Dhorda
- Direk Limmathurotsakul
- Vanaporn Wuthiekanun
- Premjit Amornchai
- Janjira Thaipadungpanit
- Susanna Dunachie
- Celine Caillet
- David Dance
- Rachel Greer
- Richard Hoglund
- Mayfong Mayxay
- Mavuto Mukaka
- Tamalee Roberts
- Matthew Robinson
- Koukeo Phommasone
- Manivanh Vongsouvath
- David Burton
- Cherry Lim
- Cindy Chu
- Germana Bancone
- Elizabeth Ashley
- Elizabeth Batty
- Rupam Tripura
- Claire Chewapreecha
- Anne Osterrieder
- Claire-Lise Kessler
- Mallika Imwong
- Worarat Khuenpetch
- Aung Pyae Phyo
- Myo Maung Maung Swe
- Chawarat Rotejanaprasert
- Monnaphat Jongdeepaisal
- Orathai Prasert
- Suphitsara Maneenet
- Didar Uddin
- Sonexay Phalivong
- Vilayvone Malaphone
- July Ko Ko
- Frank Kagoro
- Soulixay Inthasone
- Pawadee Boonyakanjanapon
- Jade Rae
- Ratchaneewan Sinitkul
- Katherine Plewes
- Victor Chaumeau
- Arjun Chandna
- Sasithon Pukrittayakamee
- Ghulam Rhahim Awab
- Piengchan Sonthayanon
- Warunee Hanpithakpong
- Kaajal Patel
- Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn
- Diana Reyes Valencia
- Richard Price
- Maneerat Ekkapongpisit
- Caterina Fanello
- Prakaykaew Charunwatthana
- Ranitha Vongpromek
- Tianrat Piteekan
- Chanaki Amaratunga
- Guy Thwaites
- James Callery
- John Bleho
- Abi Beane
- William Schilling
- Sophie Yacoub
- Tom Hughes
- Massaya Sirimatayanant
- Abul Faiz
- Carlo Perrone
- Marcus Schultz
- Rebecca Inglis
- Ni Ni Tun
- Htet Htet Aung
- Gary Harkness
- Sasitorn Chuaynoo
- Bipin Adhikari
- Nantamon Netikul
- Kerlijn Van Assche
- Patrick Hannay
- Clare Ling
- Sue Lee
- Gregory Fegan
- Kittiyod Poovorawan
- Chris Painter
- Dave Gandy
- Miliya Thyl
- Kanchana (Phung) Pongsaswat
- Podjanee Jittamala
- Natpapat Kaewkhao
- Leigh Jones
- Phornpimon Tipthara
- Ayorinde Adehin
- Frauke Assmus
- Cintia Cruz
- Luigi Pisani
- Kristen Aiemjoy
- Nguyen Tien Thang
- Steeve Ebener
- Suwanna Mukem
- Qian Wang
- Nicharee Jiracheep
- Greta Tam
- Kevin Kobylinski
- Isabel Neale
- Sandra Adele
- Mohammad Ali
- Yanie Tayipto
- Stella Nanyonga
- Alberto Olliaro
- Jill Hopkins
- Christopher Rusheng Chew
- Keang Suy
- Naomi Waithira
- Lawrence Adipo
- Michael Deats
- Clark Freifeld
- Gesa Gnegel
- Cathrin Hauk
- Konnie Bellingham
- Shan Jiang
- Inthaphavanh Kitignavong
- Pavel Matousek
- Noudy Sengxeu
- Ngan Thi Do
- Forhad Chowdhury
- Toby Bonvoisin
- Mark Pritchard
- Isana Paramita
- Priyanka Abraham
- Khanh Le Kim
- Aung Myint Thu
- Hein Aung
- Salum Mshamu
- Tara Wagner-Gamble
- Witchayoot Huangsuranun
- Nyan Lynn Tun
- Malia Skjefte
- Ethan Booth
- Wanitda Watthanaworawit
- Vilada Chansamouth