Overview CTU
Located in a ward of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, part of Mahidol University’s Faculty of Tropical Medicine (FTM), and overseen by Prof Sasithon Pukrittayakamee, the Clinical Therapeutics Unit is staffed by experienced doctors and nurses familiar with good clinical practice guidelines and research methodologies.

The same clinical team conducts clinical studies on the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the hospital inpatient wards. In addition, James Watson and Atthanee Jeeyapant work with Nick White analysing and modelling pathological responses in both uncomplicated and severe malaria, haematological responses in G6PD deficiency, vivax relapse, and anti-infective drug pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics data.
CTU has an active postgraduate student programme, with Dr XH Chan currently studying for a DPhil in our group. If you’re interested in doing a postgraduate degree with us, have a look at MORU’s Students page. Then, contact one of our principal investigators for a potential supervisor or Prof Stuart Blacksell, Post-Graduate Student Coordinator.