Established in 1979 as a research collaboration between Thailand's Mahidol University and the UK's University of Oxford and Wellcome, the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU) and its Departments, laboratories and Operations & Admin are headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand within Mahidol's Faculty of Tropical Medicine.
Our discipline-specific departments and laboratories in Bangkok and elsewhere work closely with all of our MORU Units and study sites, as well as with the national malaria control programmes and ministries of health in countries across SE Asia and the tropics. This enables us to explore heterogeneity in the causes of infectious diseases and allows us to conduct adequately powered multicentre clinical trials, ensuring the generalizability of results.
This broad interconnected network is coordinated by our Science and Strategy Committee, which meets monthly. We also work together through cross programme disease and discipline working groups (for e.g. in malaria, rickettsial diseases, melioidosis, lab microbiology, mathematical and economic modelling and epidemiology).
Through this process we develop our joint research themes and ensure that our research efforts are efficient, synergistic and directed towards the greatest possible impact on health.
Our team
Ricardo Aguas
Associate Professor
Kristen Aiemjoy
Visiting Scientist, Epidemiology Department
Chanaki Amaratunga
DeTACT Coordinator
Premjit Amornchai
Laboratory manager
Ghulam Rhahim Awab
Senior researcher
Abi Beane
Stuart Blacksell
Professor of Tropical Microbiology
Daniel Blessborn
Senior Scientist
Pawadee Boonyakanjanapon
Postgraduate assistant
David Burton
Chief Operating Officer (MORU)
James Callery
Research Physician
Prakaykaew Charunwatthana
Senior Researcher, Malaria Clinical Team
Phaik Yeong Cheah
Professor of Global Health
Kesinee Chotivanich
Associate professor
Ben Cooper
Professor of Epidemiology
Cintia Cruz
Research Physician
Nicholas Day
Professor of Tropical Medicine
Mehul Dhorda
DeTACT-Africa Coordinator / Head of Specimen Management Laboratory
Arjen Dondorp
Professor of Tropical Medicine
Steeve Ebener
Health Geolab Coordinator and Technical Assistance Lead
Maneerat Ekkapongpisit
iTPA Manager
Abul Faiz
Consultant, Malaria Clinical Team
Dave Gandy
Grants & Contracts Manager
Rachel Greer
Research Physician
Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn
Research Physician
Patrick Hannay
DeTACT Project Finance and Contracts Coordinator
Warunee Hanpithakpong
Postdoctoral Researcher
Richard Hoglund
Head of Pharmacometrics
Sazid Ibna Zaman
Data manager & GIS specialist
Soulixay Inthasone
Project Coordinator
Nicharee Jiracheep
PhD Student
Podjanee Jittamala
Senior Research Physician
Monnaphat Jongdeepaisal
Social Scientist
Natpapat Kaewkhao
Senior scientist
Frank Kagoro
Research Physician
Jahirul Karim
Research Physician
Worarat Khuenpetch
Administrative Assistant
July Ko Ko
Data Manager and Project Coordinator
Kevin Kobylinski
Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Medical Entomology
Sue Lee
Senior Statistician CTSG
Cherry Lim
Wellcome Early-Career Research Fellow
Direk Limmathurotsakul
Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Yoel Lubell
Professor of Global Health
Vilayvone Malaphone
Project Coordinator
Suphitsara Maneenet
Research Assistant
Richard Maude
Professor of Tropical Medicine
Olivo Miotto
Associate Professor
Mavuto Mukaka
Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
Suwanna Mukem
ENDGAME project coordinator for Thailand
Pengby Ngor
Data manager & GIS specialist
Mathupanee Oonsivilai
Research Assistant
Chris Painter
Health Economist
Wirichada Pan-ngum
Associate Professor
Thomas Peto
Research Epidemiologist
Sonexay Phalivong
Project Coordinator
Luigi Pisani
Postdoc Clinical Researcher
Tianrat Piteekan
Research Scientist, Malaria Laboratory
Kanchana (Phung) Pongsaswat
HR & Administration Manager
Kittiyod Poovorawan
Associate Professor and Research Physician
Orathai Prasert
Research Assistant
Sasithon Pukrittayakamee
Consultant Physician
Jade Rae
Chawarat Rotejanaprasert
Lecturer in Biostatistics
Jeanne Salje
Associate Professor
Sompob Saralamba
Senior Scientific Software Developer
Lorenz Von Seidlein
Professor of Global Health
Ipsita Sinha
Research Physician
Ratchaneewan Sinitkul
Paediatric allergist
Massaya Sirimatayanant
APMEN Surveillance and Response Working Group coordinator
Piengchan Sonthayanon
Senior Scientist
Greta Tam
Research Physician
Joel Tarning
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology
Bob Taylor
Professor of Tropical Medicine
Janjira Thaipadungpanit
Senior Scientist
Nguyen Tien Thang
ENDGAME Project Coordinator, Vietnam
Phornpimon Tipthara
Senior Scientist
Didar Uddin
Research Assistant
Ranitha Vongpromek
IDDO/WWARN SML & EQA Coordinator
Qian Wang
DPhil Student
Tri Wangrangsimakul
Research physician
James Watson
IDDO Associate Director
Nicholas White
Professor of Tropical Medicine
Vanaporn Wuthiekanun
Senior Scientist
Mo Yin
Honorary Visiting Research Fellow
Win Zaw
GIS & Data Specialist (Myanmar)
Salum Mshamu
DPhil Student
Witchayoot Huangsuranun
DPhil Student
Tara Wagner-Gamble
DPhil Student
Latest news
Recent publications
Knowledge, awareness, and practice (KAP) of Thai paediatricians in their child advocacy role regarding the health effects of particulate matter on children
Sinitkul R. et al, (2025), Environmental Advances, 19
Economic Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance: A Systematic Literature Review of Methods.
Aluzaite K. et al, (2025), Pharmacoeconomics
Submicroscopic malaria in pregnancy and associated adverse pregnancy events: A case-cohort study of 4,352 women on the Thailand–Myanmar border
Gilder ME. et al, (2025), PLOS Medicine, 22, e1004529 - e1004529