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Ayorinde Adehin


Bipin Adhikari

Research physician, Social Sciences, and Infectious Diseases

Ricardo Aguas

Associate Professor

Kristen Aiemjoy

Visiting Scientist, Epidemiology Department

Chanaki Amaratunga

DeTACT Coordinator

Premjit Amornchai

Laboratory manager

Elizabeth Ashley

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Kerlijn Van Assche

Research scientist, PharmD

Frauke Assmus

Senior Scientist

Htet Htet Aung

Clinical Research Assistant

Ghulam Rhahim Awab

Senior researcher

Germana Bancone

Haematology Research Scientist at SMRU

Elizabeth Batty

Head of Molecular Microbiology

Abi Beane


Stuart Blacksell

Professor of Tropical Microbiology

Daniel Blessborn

Senior Scientist

Celine Caillet

Research scientist, Pharm D, PhD

James Callery

Research Physician

Arjun Chandna

Research Physician

Vilada Chansamouth

Senior Clinical Researcher

Prakaykaew Charunwatthana

Senior Researcher, Malaria Clinical Team

Victor Chaumeau

SMRU Entomology Lab Supervisor

Phaik Yeong Cheah

Professor of Global Health

Christopher Rusheng Chew

Clinical Researcher

Claire Chewapreecha

Wellcome International Intermediate Fellow

Kesinee Chotivanich

Associate professor

Cindy Chu

Clinical researcher

Ben Cooper

Professor of Epidemiology

Cintia Cruz

Research Physician

David Dance

Clinical Microbiologist

Nicholas Day

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Mehul Dhorda

DeTACT-Africa Coordinator / Head of Specimen Management Laboratory

Arjen Dondorp

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Audrey Dubot-Peres

Head of Virology

Susanna Dunachie

Professor of Infectious Diseases

Steeve Ebener

Health Geolab Coordinator and Technical Assistance Lead

Maneerat Ekkapongpisit

iTPA Manager

Abul Faiz

Consultant, Malaria Clinical Team

Caterina Fanello

Research Director

Gregory Fegan

Head, Clinical Trials Support Group (CTSG)

Rachel Greer

Research Physician

Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn

Research Physician

Warunee Hanpithakpong

Postdoctoral Researcher

Richard Hoglund

Head of Pharmacometrics

Jill Hopkins

ACORN Network Manager

Tom Hughes

Mallika Imwong

Malariologist at Mahidol Department of Molecular Tropical Medicine and Genetics

Rebecca Inglis

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

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