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Priyanka Abraham

DPhil Student in Clinical Medicine

Sandra Adele

DPhil Student

Mohammad Ali

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

Kerlijn Van Assche

Research scientist, PharmD

Hein Aung

PhD Student

Toby Bonvoisin

Dphil Student Of Clinical Medicine

Ethan Booth

DPhil Student

James Callery

Research Physician

Christopher Rusheng Chew

Clinical Researcher

Forhad Chowdhury

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

Cintia Cruz

Research Physician

Jill Hopkins

ACORN Network Manager

Witchayoot Huangsuranun

DPhil Student

Tom Hughes

Rebecca Inglis

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

Nicharee Jiracheep

PhD Student

Monnaphat Jongdeepaisal

Social Scientist

Frank Kagoro

Research Physician

Sophie Kang

DPhil Student

Khanh Le Kim

PhD Student

Salum Mshamu

DPhil Student

Stella Nanyonga

Research Pharmacist-AMR

Isabel Neale

DPhil Student in Clinical Medicine

Pengby Ngor

Data manager & GIS specialist

Alberto Olliaro

Software Engineer and Data Scientist

Mathupanee Oonsivilai

Research Assistant

Isana Paramita

DPhil Student in Clinical Medicine

Kaajal Patel

Research Physician

Carlo Perrone

Research Physician

Mark Pritchard

Mathematical Modeller

William Schilling

Research Physician

Malia Skjefte

DPhil Student

Yanie Tayipto

DPhil Student in Clinical Medicine

Aung Myint Thu

PhD Student

Ni Ni Tun

Medical and research advisor

Nyan Lynn Tun

DPhil Student

Tara Wagner-Gamble

DPhil Student

Naomi Waithira

MORU head of Data Management

Qian Wang

DPhil Student