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Soulixay Inthasone

Soulixay Inthasone

Research groups

Soulixay Inthasone

Project Coordinator

Soulixay is an Epidemiologist/Project Coordinator in the Epidemiology Department at Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU). Prior to joining MORU, Soulixay worked as a Sciences Researcher, Lecturer on field surveying, Geology & Geomorphology and Industry and Mining Courses & Trainer on GIS & GPS at Faculty of Environmental Sciences, National University of Laos since August 2004 to March 2019.

Soulixay earned a Master in M.Sc. in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand. He holds a Bachelor of Sciences in GIS Geography from National University of Laos and he had attended for Short course in “Advanced Geo-Information and Earth Observation for problem solving in applied Earth Sciences at International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) in Netherlands.