Professor Sasithon Pukrittayakamee
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Research groups
Sasithon Pukrittayakamee
Consultant Physician
- co-Head of CTU
Professor Sasithon Pukrittayakamee is an honorable consultant in the Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University in Bangkok. Professor Sasithon is a member of MORU and co-Head along with Professor Sir Nick White of MORU’s Clinical Therapeutics Unit (CTU).
Prof. Sasithon is an internationally recognized malariologist. She has been a key research Mahidol-Oxford collaborator for over 30 years and has led important research on the pathophysiology and treatment of malaria. She continues to lead an active research team who conduct pharmacological studies of antimalarial and ant-influenza drugs, in addition to clinical research on malaria in Thailand.
A Fellow of the Royal Society, Thailand since 2018, Prof. Sasithon earned her D.Phil (Oxon) St. Cross College, University of Oxford, U.K. in 1985 as part of a Wellcome Trust Scholarship on clinical immunology at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital.
Prof. Sasithon’s many professional memberships include the editorial board of the International Journal of the Royal Society of Thailand, Scientific Research committee of Mahidol University, Committee member of Ethical committee at Faculty of Tropical Medicine, member of the Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Association of Thailand, Medicine Dictionary Committee (English-Thai) at the Royal Society, Thailand, members of the Thai Medical Council and St. Cross College, University of Oxford.
She has published over 200 articles and her current and future focuses are on radical cure of vivax malaria in G6PD deficiency people, optimized uses of malaria vaccine, fight against artemisinin resistance and future triple artemisinin combination therapies.
Recent publications
Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19 (COPCOV): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Schilling WHK. et al, (2024), PLoS medicine, 21
Temporal changes in SARS-CoV-2 clearance kinetics and the optimal design of antiviral pharmacodynamic studies: an individual patient data meta-analysis of a randomised, controlled, adaptive platform study (PLATCOV)
Wongnak P. et al, (2024), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 24, 953 - 963
A randomised trial of malaria vaccine R21/Matrix-M™ with and without antimalarial drugs in Thai adults.
Hanboonkunupakarn B. et al, (2024), NPJ vaccines, 9
Primaquine in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: an adaptive pharmacometric assessment of ascending dose regimens in healthy volunteers
Pukrittayakamee S. et al, (2024), eLife, 12
Effect of primaquine dose on the risk of recurrence in patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis
Commons RJ. et al, (2024), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 24, 172 - 183