Sandra Adele
Sandra Adele
DPhil Student in Clinical Medicine
Sandra is currently reading for a DPhil in Clinical Medicine and is a member of Christ Church College and the Junior Dean of Exeter College. Her background is in Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Global Health and her research focuses on the immunological responses in Infectious diseases such as COVID-19. She is currently looking at SARS-CoV-2 responses induced by vaccines and natural infection as well as responses to the emerging variants of concern.
MSc Pharmacology, University of Oxford.
MSc International Health and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford.
Recent publications
Vaccine-induced immunity provides more robust heterotypic immunity than natural infection to emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.
Skelly DT. et al, (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron-B. 1.1. 529 leads to widespread escape from neutralizing antibody responses.
Dejnirattisai, Wanwisa, et al, (2022), Cell 2021.
Immunogenicity of standard and extended dosing intervals of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.
Payne, Rebecca P. et al, (2021), Cell 184.23 5699-5714.
Skelly D, et al, Nature Communications 12, 5061 (2021) _________________________________________
Adele S. et al, (2020) Integrating Neglected Tropical Diseases into Universal Health Coverage. n.d.2020
Institute for Health Metrics and Evalution (IHME). S. Adele COVID-19 and Malaria.2020
Adele Sandra. One size does not fit all. Personalised Medicine. Oxford Scientist