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Dr Mayfong Mayxay

Dr Mayfong Mayxay

Podcast interview

Field research in Laos

Little clinical research has been conducted in Laos so far, as reflected in the literature, and this results in limited evidence to guide treatments or patient management. Research done so far by LOMWRU has nevertheless influenced health policies in Laos: clinical trials on antimalarial drugs led to the adoption of ACTs, and studies on the causes of fever resulted in changes in treatment guidelines and vaccination programme.

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Mayfong Mayxay

President of the Lao University of Health Sciences, Ministry of Health

  • Visiting Professor of Tropical Medicine
  • Associate Professor, Lao University of Health Sciences

Field Research

Mayfong Mayxay has been working for LOMWRU since the establishment of the Unit in 2000. He has led clinical trials of antimalarials and other field clinical research in Laos since 2000 and between 2002 and 2006, under the supervision of Prof. Nick White and Prof. Paul Newton, he carried out his Wellcome fellowship training in clinical tropical medicine with the research entitled “Clinical and laboratory studies to guide Lao national antimalarial drug policy” which was associated with Mahidol and Oxford Universities. The results from his research had led to the change of the Lao national policy for uncomplicated falciparum malaria treatment from chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to ACTs (artemether-lumefantrine) in 2005. 

Mayfong is the Head of the Field Research of LOMWRU, Associate Professor, and Vice-President of the Lao University of Health Sciences, Ministry of Health. He has also been an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Tropical Medicine at Oxford since 2009. His particular research interests include antimalarial drug resistance, causes of fever, dengue, rickettsial infections, Japanese encephalitis virus infection, and infantile beriberi