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Koukeo Phommasone

Infectious Disease Physician

  • Malariologist
  • Associate Research Fellow


I have been working as a research physician at the Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital-Wellcome Trust Research Unit (LOMWRU) in the Microbiology Department, Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, Lao PDR since 2009. My work involves clinical liaison between our laboratory and hospital wards and a significant contribution to many medical research projects carried out at our Unit, such as the clinical epidemiology of melioidosis and meningitis in Laos and clinical trials of typhus treatment. My main studies deal with epidemiology of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease in Vientiane and coordinator of Expanded Fever surveillance (1) in three provinces of Laos. currently I am a PhD student registered at Amsterdam University, the Netherlands working on Targeted Malaria Elimination Project.

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