Frauke Assmus
Senior Scientist
Frauke has worked as a Pharmacometrician within the department of Clinical Pharmacology at MORU, in Bangkok, Thailand since 2018.
A pharmacist and epidemiologist by training with several years’ industrial and academic experience in preclinical drug discovery, Frauke’s research at MORU has a focus on drug discovery for neglected tropical diseases, such as onchocerciasis (river blindness), Chagas disease and visceral leishmaniasis. More specifically, she applies pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling and simulation to provide an evidence-based rational for drug candidate selection, dosing optimization and clinical trial design. She works in close collaboration with the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi).
Currently, Frauke is working on a translational framework for antichagasic and antileishmanial drug discovery, with the aim to bridge the gap between pre-clinical animal models and clinical studies in human disease. Her work also contributed to the dosing optimization of emodepside, a drug candidate which holds promise to accelerate the progress towards onchocerciasis elimination.
Since 2021, Frauke has been involved in pharmacokinetic profiling of repurposed drug candidates for mild-to-moderate COVID-19 (ANTICOV trial). The main goal of this multidisciplinary collaboration was to identify the most promising treatments that can prevent progression to severe COVID-19 and relief already overburdened health care systems, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
Frauke is a member of the association Pharmacists without Borders Germany.
Recent publications
Quantifying anti-trypanosomal treatment effects in chronic indeterminate Chagas disease: an individual patient data meta-analysis of two proof of concept trials
Watson JA. et al, (2024)
Need for a Standardized Translational Drug Development Platform: Lessons Learned from the Repurposing of Drugs for COVID-19
Assmus F. et al, (2022), Microorganisms, 10, 1639 - 1639
Drug development for the treatment of onchocerciasis: Population pharmacokinetic and adverse events modeling of emodepside
Assmus F. et al, (2022), PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16, e0010219 - e0010219
Carbohydrate-dense snacks are a key feature of the nutrition transition among Ghanaian adults - findings from the RODAM study.
Assmus F. et al, (2021), Food & nutrition research, 65
Impfen bei Immundefizienz : Anwendungshinweise zu den von der Ständigen Impfkommission empfohlenen Impfungen. (IV) Impfen bei Autoimmunkrankheiten, bei anderen chronisch-entzündlichen Erkrankungen und unter immunmodulatorischer Therapie.
Wagner N. et al, (2019), Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 62, 494 - 515