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Professor Sir Nicholas J White

Professor Sir Nicholas J White

Podcast interview

Improving the treatment of infectious diseases

With nearly 50 years in malaria research and more recent focus on COVID-19, research at MORU led to more effective treatments. In COVID-19, trials debunked drugs like ivermectin or favipiravir, but validated remdesivir, molnupiravir and protease inhibitors. As malaria faces drug resistance, triple therapies offer hope. MORU research aims for tangible health impacts, with an approach applicable to other infectious diseases.

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Nicholas White


Professor of Tropical Medicine

  • Professor at Mahidol University in Thailand

Professor White’s diverse interests include the epidemiology, pathophysiology and management of uncomplicated and severe malaria, meliodosis, enteric fever, tetanus, dengue haemorrhagic fever, Japanese encephalitis and tuberculosis. His particular interests at present include the pathophysiology and treatment of severe malaria,  the prevention of antimalarial drug resistance using artemisinin-based combinations. and the biology of relapse in vivax malaria.

Vivax malaria

Proposed mechanism of periodic Plasmodium vivax relapse activation

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