Platelets kill circulating parasites of all major Plasmodium species in human malaria
Kho S., Barber BE., Johar E., Andries B., Poespoprodjo JR., Kenangalem E., Piera KA., Ehmann A., Price RN., William T., Woodberry T., Foote S., Minigo G., Yeo TW., Grigg MJ., Anstey NM., McMorran BJ.
<jats:title>Key Points</jats:title> <jats:p>Platelets directly interact with and kill circulating Plasmodium parasites in patients with malaria to help control parasitemia. In vitro platelet antiplasmodicidal activity against P knowlesi involves platelet–cell binding and intracellular accumulation of PF4.</jats:p>