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SUMMARYThe artemisinin antimalarials are the cornerstone of current malaria treatment. The development of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum poses a major threat to malaria control and elimination. Recognized first in the Greater Mekong subregion of Southeast Asia nearly 20 years ago, artemisinin resistance has now been documented in Guyana, South America, in Papua New Guinea, and most recently, it has emerged de novo in East Africa (Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and eastern DRC) where it has now become firmly established. Artemisinin resistance is associated with mutations in the propeller region of the PfKelch gene, which play a causal role, although the parasites' genetic background also makes an important contribution to the phenotype. Clinically, artemisinin resistance manifests as reduced parasiticidal activity and slower parasite clearance and thus an increased risk of treatment failure following artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). This results from the loss of artemisinin activity against the younger circulating ring stage parasites. This loss of activity is likely to diminish the life-saving advantage of artesunate in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria. Gametocytocidal and thus transmission blocking activities are also reduced. At current levels of resistance, artemisinin-resistant parasites still remain susceptible at the trophozoite stage of asexual development, and so, artemisinin still contributes to the therapeutic response. As ACTs are the most widely used antimalarial drugs in the world, it is essential from a malaria control perspective that ACT cure rates remain high. Better methods of identifying uncomplicated hyperparasitemia, the main cause of ACT treatment failure, are required so that longer courses of treatment can be given to these high-risk patients. Reducing the use of artemisinin monotherapies will reduce the continued selection pressure which could lead potentially to higher levels of artemisinin resistance. Triple artemisinin combination therapies should be deployed as soon as possible to protect the ACT partner drugs and thereby delay the emergence of higher levels of resistance. As new affordable antimalarial drugs are still several years away, the control of artemisinin resistance must depend on the better use of available tools.

Original publication




Journal article


Clin Microbiol Rev

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Plasmodium falciparum, antimalarial agents, artemisinin, drug resistance evolution, malaria